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How to efficiently handle respones to reviewer's comments?

Martin Burger June 20, 2013

We are using the One-to-One Reviews workflow, where the author (= the developer) answers to the reviewer's comments.

As reviewer, it is hard to keep track of the reviews I have to act on next: both

  • the reviews I still have to process
    • thus, not completely reviewed, no comments added yet = my immediate action is required


  • the reviews I have processed for now
    • thus, 100% reviewed, I added some comments = I am waiting for the author's response

are in the inbox with status "to review".

As a consequence, I frequently browse through all the issues in my inbox to check if I have to do any work. Is there any way to mark reviews where I am waiting for the developer's feedback as "Waiting For" (à la Getting Things Done)?

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Martin Burger June 20, 2013

This question might be related to Why are reviews with unread reviewer's comments in developer's outbox? as I would expect that all items I have to act on to be in my inbox, and all items where I am waiting for someone other's action to be in my outbox.

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