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Crucible 4.2.1 - Last Login Query for mysql

Aubrey Bird November 29, 2016

We are trying to get a last login report to see who is actually using Crucible.

We were using this Script;

select distinct cru_user.cru_user_name,cru_crucible_enabled,from_unixtime(cru_recently_visited.cru_last_viewed/1000) as last_view from cru_user JOIN cru_recently_visited on cru_user.cru_user_name = cru_recently_visited.cru_user_name where cru_crucible_enabled=1 and cru_last_viewed = (SELECT MAX(cru_last_viewed) from cru_recently_visited WHERE cru_user.cru_user_name = cru_recently_visited.cru_user_name);

However this worked for Crucible version 3.x...but since we have upgraded we are unable to run this query against mysql.

Instead we get a ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'cru_crucible_enabled' in 'field list'

What are we missing.


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Marek Parfianowicz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 29, 2016

Hi Aubrey,

In FishEye/Crucible 4.0 the whole user management has been refactored, see crucible-4-0-release-notes. 

The cru_user.cru_crucible_enabled and cru_user.cru_fisheye_enabled columns have been removed. 

The equivalent is, which tells if user has not been disabled in the directory. However, please note that this column does not tell about global permissions (i.e. access to FishEye and Crucible functionality), which you can check in the following columns:




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