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Atlassian Connector not working properly in IntelliJ IDEA

Steffen Breitbach January 27, 2015

I have installed the Atlassian Connector for IntelliJ IDEA in my IDEA Ultimate 13.1.6. Jumping from Fisheye to IDEA works as intended. However, that unfortunately that is about the only thing that works sad

I have configured the connection in my project and when I test the connection it says "Connected Successfully". I've also set the "Crucible Server Contains Fisheye Instance" flag. However, when I try to configure FishEye in the "Defaults" tab, I can select the FishEye server but the "Default Repository" stays empty ("None"). 

The context menu item as described in also is missing.

Regarding the Crucible part, when I try to create a review, I can see the repository as described in

After clicking on "Create review..." I get an exception 

com.atlassian.theplugin.commons.remoteapi.RemoteApiException: Server returned HTTP 400 (Bad Request)
Reason: IllegalArgument
Message: CreateReview requires at least one ReviewData or DetailedReviewData element


I also see some output in the shell I've started IDEA in. There are many lines like this

isFishEyeConfigured == false

ahd also

WARN - mons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase - Going to buffer response body of large or unknown size. Using getResponseBodyAsStream instead is recommended.

when I'm trying to use the plugin's features.


Any hints on how to debug this?

3 answers

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Karol Lopacinski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 29, 2015

Hello Steffen,
pre-commit reviews are currently broken in the stable version of the connector. This has been fixed, and should work as intended in the next release; if you're feeling adventurous, you can try using unstable snapshot builds (available in the connector's global configuration, under General/Auto Upgrade) where this should already be working.
I can't reproduce the Fisheye issue using FishEye 3.7.0 - the "Default Repository" combo box refreshes properly after setting the default server. Which FishEye version are you using?

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Steffen Breitbach January 30, 2015

Hi Karol,

I managed to get it to work. It did however need a lot of manual fixing to get there. I think I'll wait until the final release of 3.0.15 before investigating further.

Thanks so far!


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Steffen Breitbach January 27, 2015

I was able to get the link from IDEA to Fisheye to work by adding 


manually to the atlassian-ide-plugin.xml

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