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visually highlight overdue issues on kanban

scott_lake June 25, 2020

I would like to see the card outline color change based on some date based criteria if a due date is present for the issue.

Overdue = card outline is red

Near overdue (user selectable date offset criteria) = card is yellow

Future due date outside of 'near overdue' criteria = card outline is green.

As I understand it, the whole point of a Kanban board is it's visual organization of tasks and swimlanes.  Any way to present additionally helpful information immediately, without JQL, is going to be a bonus.



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June 25, 2020

You can use the 'Card Colours' available under Board Configuration, to drive the card colours based on JQL. Yes, that is the only way to identify whether due date has passed or not.

due < now()

Colours based on Queries option should be selected.

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scott_lake June 25, 2020

Thank you - I will see if I can manage that.  Just had a couple of the JQL courses so far.


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