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Query Jira with SQL

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June 18, 2021

If you have access to the backend of a Jira deployment you can query the database directly with SQL, but what if you are an end user? 

I have been working on a open source project named Steampipe that uses Postgres Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW) to query cloud APIs via CLI or any Postgres client.

Our open source community just released a plugin for Jira:  You run it from your local desktop and configure it with your API credentials so it only has access to data visible to those creds.  Here is an example query:

as type,
active as status,
| display_name | type | status | account_id |
| Confluence Analytics (System) | app | true | 557058:cbc04d7be567aa5332c6 |
| John Smyth | atlassian | true | 1f2e1d34e0e56a001ea44fc1 |

 Hope others find it useful!

1 comment

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 4, 2021

This looks amazing! Thanks for tagging cloud and providing a link.

Quick question, while it's not yet released, are there plans to integrate it with native data pipelines?

On Cloud, this is on the roadmap -

While some documentation exists for Data Center - 

I'm guessing it may not even matter, as it looks like this is designed to natively tap into the database and bypass anything Atlassian build. Look forward to hearing more about it!


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