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SSO is not working with JIRA and Confluence

Omara Williams July 28, 2017

I have setup Crowd and JIRA and Confluence according to the instructions in:

I can login to Crowd , JIRA and Confluence OK with the same user

All users are now in the Crowd Directory

However if I login to JIRA and then change to Confluence, I am presented with the Log in Page , as if SSO is not working

I was expecting that once I am logged in JIRA , when I point my browser to Confluence or Crowd, the login would happen automatically through SSO

I am not using proxies, and I have option "Require Consistent Client IP Address" disabled

Please could you give some suggestions as to why this should be the case?

Many thanks in advance






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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 28, 2017

It sounds like you have the first part done, which is making sure you can log into the applications with your Crowd credentials. Did you see the documentation on working with the seraph-config.xml and files to enable SSO for JIRA and Confluence? In case you didn't see them, here are the instructions:

JIRA: 2.2 Configure JIRA to use Crowd's Authenticator to enable SSO (Optional)

Confluence: 2.2 Enable SSO integration with Crowd (Optional)

Omara Williams July 31, 2017

Hi Ann 

Thanks for your answer

I have enabled SSO for JIRA and Confluence following the instructions suggested above

The problem is that I still have to login to each application by entering the credentials each time, so if I am looged in Crowd and point my browser to JIRA URL I have to enter the credentials again and if I then go to Confluence URL , I have to enter the credentials again. 

I can see in the crowd logs that all applications are using the seraph authenticator

So what I am missing?


I look forward to your reply



Maheswari December 3, 2018

Hi Omara

Did you fix your issue. I am facing the same problem.

please help

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