So, I have a server install of Bitbucket, Jira, Confluence and Crowd.
All of these apps use external directories for user management with my crowd install. Now, a few days ago I had the primary domain expire and somebody snatched it up. Boooo but so I thought I would just update all the base url's and crowd url's and I will be up an running...
Well, Jira is the only application I cannot password authenticate with. I know it can talk to Crowd because I bumped the logs up and can see the external sync. I have also created new users in crowd with jira privileges and have seen them sync but password authentication still fails.
I know it fails because I also bumped the logs for security and with every user I try to login with I see the following.
2019-04-27 23:08:02,463 http-nio-8090-exec-1 anonymous 1388x62x1 1tsobb3, /rest/gadget/1.0/login login : 'salty-dev' tried to login but they do not have USE permission or weren't found. Deleting remember me cookie.
2019-04-27 23:08:02,468 analyticsEventProcessor:thread-1 anonymous Setting JIRA Auth Context to be 'anonymous'
2019-04-27 23:08:02,468 analyticsEventProcessor:thread-1 anonymous Setting JIRA Auth Context to be 'anonymous'
2019-04-27 23:08:02,474 analyticsEventProcessor:thread-1 anonymous Setting JIRA Auth Context to be 'anonymous'
2019-04-27 23:08:02,474 analyticsEventProcessor:thread-1 anonymous Setting JIRA Auth Context to be 'anonymous'
2019-04-27 23:08:02,480 analyticsEventProcessor:thread-1 anonymous Setting JIRA Auth Context to be 'anonymous'
2019-04-27 23:08:02,480 analyticsEventProcessor:thread-1 anonymous Setting JIRA Auth Context to be 'anonymous'
2019-04-27 23:08:02,481 http-nio-8090-exec-1 anonymous 1388x62x1 1tsobb3, /rest/gadget/1.0/login The user 'salty-dev' has FAILED authentication. Failure count equals 3
2019-04-27 23:08:02,536 http-nio-8090-exec-1 anonymous 1388x62x1 1tsobb3, /rest/gadget/1.0/login Gadget login called with lastLoginResult :[reason=AUTHENTICATED_FAILED,[lastLoginTime=<null>,previousLoginTime=<null>,loginCount=<null>,currentFailedLoginCount=3,totalFailedLoginCount=3,lastFailedLoginTime=1556406482463,elevatedSecurityCheckRequired=false,maxAuthenticationAttemptsAllowed=9223372036854775807],userName=salty-dev,deniedReasons=[]].
Does anybody have any ideas? I have tried so many things now but cannot figure this one out.
I have the same issue using the local Jira user directory. When I stood up the instance I added crowd as an external and left the internal active.
When all of this happened all the sudden my admin user can't login. Luckily I have email setup so I run through the password reset, click the email, change my password and I get AUTHENTICATED_FAILED.
I have no way to get to the UI now so I have to muck around in my database to try and configure stuff. I will take a look at the url you submitted and see if this helps.
Ok, I ran the queries to verify the user I am trying to login jira-admin privileges. I ran through the email reset and no dice, same problem AUTHENTICATED_FAILED.
I went through the steps to reset the password in the db to 'sphere' AUTHENTICATED_FAILED.
2019-04-30 22:19:03,364 http-nio-8090-exec-9 anonymous 1339x42x1 1tpwdyy, /rest/gadget/1.0/login Gadget login called with lastLoginResult :[reason=AUTHENTICATED_FAILED,[lastLoginTime=1527121486200,previousLoginTime=1527121457009,loginCount=39,currentFailedLoginCount=12,totalFailedLoginCount=36,lastFailedLoginTime=1556662743307,elevatedSecurityCheckRequired=false,maxAuthenticationAttemptsAllowed=9223372036854775807],userName=egarcia,deniedReasons=[]]