new label added to existing epic

Viresh Kumar March 4, 2024


I have created  automation rule when epic will be created with label change it will trigger my subtask rule . i am getting response for both label but i want response only for single label. pls check my rule . do i need some modification?Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 3.42.02 PM.png

2 answers

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Viresh Kumar March 4, 2024

it is not working . i have created epic thn i added label abc it triggered .but again i added label xyz it has not triggered. my requirement is for all label it should trigger when i will be adding that specific label in existing epic. against label i have created task n subatsk .

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Dexter de Vera
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March 4, 2024

You mean you want only this automation to triggered if the label have single value of just abc and xyz?

You can add If statement then check {{issue.labels.size}} = 1 before your "If Else condition" or if you have specific condition for different condition, you can add it inside the If Else condition.

{{issue.labels.size}} equals 1 - to check if the labels have only single value

Make sure that the 'All condition match' selected.



on your trigger Value change: select change type "Any changes to the field value" instead of 'Value added only', so it will be triggered also when you remove value in the labels (e.i abc, efg - then you remove efg)image.png

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