PDF space Export - tables, panels and pictures are cut off in 2 pages

Martina Hurtečáková March 3, 2024

Good morning,

by PDF space export we adjusted CSS stylesheets in that way, that we wanted to have pictures and tables not divided in 2 pages.

We didn´t adjust it for panels (Warn panel and Info panel)- however these are also sometimes cut off in 2 pages.

However, it´s not working, and some pictures are cut off in 2 pages and the same applies for tables.

Is it some preferred behavior?

Is it connected to the older method of PDF export that does not render Confluence pages as accurately if these customizations are detected?

I really searched for some help in the atlassian pages however didn´t find the precise answer on that.  

thank you for any help. 

BR, Martina 

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Humashankar VJ
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March 7, 2024

Hi @Martina Hurtečáková - Make use of the below help blogs to fix your issue.


If you are using Table Filter macro, you can export table to PDF with Table Filter built-in exporter. It exports large tables to PDF better.


https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.k15t.scroll.scroll-pdf/cloud/overview. Exporting pages to PDF nicely. 


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!

Warm regards

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