Is it possible to create a simple form "issues" & "solutions" with reporting capabilities?

Jair Bolivar March 31, 2024

I would like to create a searchable form that will include two main subjects Issues and solutions.  For example, if a user search for a keyword such as "host no pinging" it may show a list with similar matches to the solutions we have entered before based on previous internal issues.

I am wondering if I can do that within Confluence or if I will need to look into an external software or even build the form and database completely from scratch?

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


3 answers

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Jair Bolivar April 5, 2024

Hello @Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ my apologies, I am trying to find the option to create the ConfiForms and I am having a hard time getting to it...

I created a draft page:


But I am not seeing the option to choose the ConfiForms nor the form dialog after typing the "{" curly bracket... I am definitely missing something...

I did selected the ConfiForm [Try Free] option and I was forwarded to a page with the ConfiForms documentation and tutorial, but I am not finding the option to start a form hmmm...

Thank you for your patience.


Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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April 5, 2024

Do you have a ConfiForms plugin installed? 

On cloud the editor is different and a short cut key is / not the {


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Jair Bolivar April 5, 2024

Found it!

Thank you so very much.

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Barbara Szczesniak
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April 1, 2024

@Jair Bolivar Are these Jira issues, Jira Service Management issues, or something you have created within a Confluence space? 

Do you want the users to be searching for these in Confluence?

Jair Bolivar April 1, 2024

@Barbara Szczesniak No really, much simpler than that.  JIRA will be like cutting an apple with a chainsaw.  The screenshot I posted is from a Google Doc which is what I am currently using for the "Knowledge Base" document.

Will be great for the knowledge base document or form or database to be searchable or categorized and also labeled.  It does not need to be a confluence page, I noticed that the formatting is very limited in it therefore I went with a Google Doc for the schema or the basic structure.

Thank you for checking,


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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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March 31, 2024

Hi @Jair Bolivar and welcome to Atlassian community

If you are open to apps then have a look at ConfiForms (the app we develop and support) - it can definitely meet these and many more requirements around that area


Jair Bolivar April 1, 2024

@Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ ,

Appreciate the response, but let me share a bit more details about what I am trying to accomplish.

I believe a visual reference will help with the requirements:image.png In the above, picture a list of issues that I can categorize by some sort of label, in addition to their own category as well...

Something users can search for e.g. in the Category "switches" issues and solutions part of the "New Infrastructure" with the label "Switches"... I hope that make sense...

I am not sure if the form is what I need, but the feature of organize the issues and solutions per category and also have the option to label the Issues and Solutions will be super helpful for the users searching a specific content.  Oh and to make it very simple, this is going to be jist Issues and Solutions about all things involving a "Project" and be able to "Label" the issues and solutions for easy find.

Thank you in advance and I hope this explanation helps to picture the idea.


Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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April 1, 2024

Little demo of what ConfiForms can do for you

(direct link to video)

Of course you can change the layout, design, add/remove fields, etc

Jair Bolivar April 2, 2024

Hello @Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ thank you so very much for putting that together!

I think it is really close to what I am trying to put together.  A few questions:

1. Once all issues and solutions are entered, categorized and labeled, can they be locked so no one changes it, unless there is a request, comment, or something of that nature, that can be reviewed by the administrators and then decide to update the knowledge base database? if we can call it that?

2.  Again, once all the data is in the database can users search for issues matching a keywoard contained in the issue or solution? and also match by category or label?

Again, I appreciate the reference/video demonstration, this might definitely be a good application to look into further.

Just FYI, the organization I work for uses a number of Atlassian solutions, such as Confluence, and JIRA.  I wonder if we have license to use ConfiForms or it is something we will need to definitely purchase.  I will give it a try first and then reach out to my management if it definitely matches the requirements of the Knowledge Base page/database I am trying to create.

I look forward to your response.


Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Rising Star
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April 2, 2024

1. Yes of course. There are multiple options to do that - restricting page permissions, locking the form or fields...

2. Yes, that is also possible

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 16.14.58.png


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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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April 5, 2024

To be honest, the demo recorded here uses a so called "legacy editor" in Confluence cloud, which supports nested rich text macros (which this demo uses to create this layout)

Unfortunately, Atlassian has decided not to support nested macros in Confluence cloud in new "fabric" editor. Which means you will need to ask Atlassian support to enable legacy editor in your instance 


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