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How can I Sort A to Z for pgs on third level down - e.g Doc, Rpts, and TF - alpha here

Tsevas_ Athena February 5, 2025

Hello - we have an Collections highest level, then Do level and then Reports level and then TF level - I want to Sort A to Z at the TF level - the space Setting, Content Reorder only seems to apply to "higher"  levels. I do not want to drag and drop dozens of documents. Can you help?




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Kristian Klima
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February 6, 2025

Hi @Tsevas_ Athena and welcome to the Community.

You can sort any tree level by alphabet but you have to do it by individual parents. In other words, you cannot choose the entire 3rd level content of all 2nd level parents to be sorted alphabetically.

As you can see, the AZ icon appears on the third level to sort pages on the 4th.


Tsevas_ Athena February 6, 2025


This is how our page looks from the top

Docs -like Gainsight Product News February-  under Reports and then Transportation Finance - something like your Gainsight Product News - are what I am trying to alphabetize

Perhaps there is a setting we need to update.

I do not see the Sort A to Z where it is in your reply

Is there a way for me to send screen shots like you did or attach a word doc from my desktop - could not figure out how in Edit/Link?


Tsevas_ Athena February 6, 2025  - not sure if you can see 

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