Excel spreadsheet not viewing correctly

Leigh-Ann Barnard September 27, 2018

I am trying to insert a spreadsheet into Confluence page but it views as a portrait and cuts the rest of the excel spreadsheet out?

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Atlassian Team
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October 1, 2018

Hi there, Leigh.

I would suggest us to go through the KB that we have written here to adjust the layout of the excel file itself before viewing it again on the page:

Can you please go through the solution section and let me know if that helps?

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April 12, 2024

Hello, configuring the Excel sheet correctly indeed solves the problem.

it's a bit annoying that you haven't implemented better visualization of Excel files in the last six years. We shouldn't have to do any user-side manipulation to overcome this.

Furthermore, this Excel visualization is not readable at its best because it replaces the character style with serif fonts.

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