Daily digest for all users

Joan Andreu Juan Torrens January 24, 2024

As far as I know all Confluence users can subscribe to a daily digest they will receive by email. My organization would like to have all Confluence users subscribed by default to that digest.

Is that possible?

Also, are other forms of subscription to changes and updates similar to the Jira subscription to filters?

Thanks a lot !

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Marc - Devoteam
Rising Star
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January 24, 2024

Hi @Joan Andreu Juan Torrens 

No this can't be done as it is a user setting, managed by the user.

This has been put in place in Cloud, as this was deemed as super annoying on server/DC, as user where not able to not receive this email, as this was globally configured only.

The other form of subscriptions a user is able to set are like Jira filter subscriptions on a user level, but also not manageable globally.

All is based on the user preferred settings.

Joan Andreu Juan Torrens January 24, 2024

Ok, thank you Marc!

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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January 24, 2024

The notification feature of the Better Content Archiving for Confluence  app can be used to daily updates.

In app's concept, a notification is configured from:

  1. A schedule (very flexible, defined by a Cron expression)
  2. A CQL query which collects what pages and blog posts to include in the notification (very flexible, you can test for creations, updates, etc.)
  3. A customizable email template (subject, email body)
  4. Recipients (users, groups, owner, last modifier, author)

This one-minute gives you a short introduction (although the use case is a bit different):

Learn more about custom notifications in Confluence.

(Discl. this is a paid and supported app developed by our team. Free for 10 users.)

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