Hi Atlassians,
We have list of few plugins available in our Confluence. We are using old version of Confluence (5.4.x). I know that we are using oldest version of confluence. Anyway, we are setting up a new environment of confluence(6.10) in couple of weeks.
I need to analyze the list of plugins that are mandatory to have them in our new version as well. Also I need to find whether anyone is using specific plugin(from the user-installed) plugins.
For ex: if I take "Gliffy diagrams for Confluence" plugin, I could see a section as shown in the image below
I am able to see few Gliffy diagrams created in there. So, this plugin is mandatory as users are using it.
But for few plugins I am not able to see sections like this(ex. Angular JS integration plugin, Bob Swift plugin etc)
Finally, I have 2 questions below.
1. How can we find whether a specific plugin is actively being used by any user ?
2. How can we find which plugins are not needed from the list of plugins available from the "User-installed" addons section.
Thanks a lot !!
Best Regards,
Thanks a lot for your response Davin. Appreciate your hard work in writing the script as well.
Best Regards,
In the most recent versions of Confluence there is a report in Confluence Administration that can tell you which plugins that have macros that are being used on pages. However, since you are not on a newer version of Confluence you do not have that report. However, I wrote a user macro a few years ago that can give you that kind of report. Here is the code to set it up. Simply create the user macro in Confluence Administration -> User Macros and them put the macro on a page.
Macro Name:
Macro Title:
Macro Usage
Macro Body Processing:
No macro body
## Developed by: Davin Studer ## Date created: 12/17/2014 ## @param Space:title=Space|type=spacekey|desc=This will restrict the macro usage report to a specific space. #set($containerManagerClass = $content.class.forName('com.atlassian.spring.container.ContainerManager')) #set($getInstanceMethod = $containerManagerClass.getDeclaredMethod('getInstance',null)) #set($containerManager = $getInstanceMethod.invoke(null,null)) #set($containerContext = $containerManager.containerContext) #set($macroBrowserManager = $containerContext.getComponent('macroBrowserManager')) #set($allMacros = $macroBrowserManager.getMacroSummaries()) ######################################################################################### ## This is used for getting around velocity issues when writing jQuery. ## ######################################################################################### #set( $d = '$' ) ######################################################################################### ## Populate the macro information into a string that we will use as a JS object array. ## ######################################################################################### #set ($i = 0) #set($macroObjects = "") #foreach($macro in $allMacros) #if($i != 0) #set($macroObjects = $macroObjects + ",") #end #set($macroObjects = $macroObjects + "{title:'" + $macro.getTitle().getKey().replace("'","\'") + "', name:'" + $macro.getMacroName().replace("'","\'") + "'}") #set ($i = $i + 1) #end ######################################################################################### ## Decide which space to search. ## ######################################################################################### #if ($!paramSpace && $!paramSpace != "") #set ($searchSpace = $!paramSpace) #else #set ($searchSpace = "conf_all") #end <script type="text/javascript"> var queue = { macros: [$macroObjects], current: 0, start: function () { this.macros.sort(compare); this.current = 0; this.next(); }, next: function () { if (this.current >= this.macros.length) { AJS.$('#queryStatus span').removeClass('aui-lozenge-current'); AJS.$('#queryStatus span').addClass('aui-lozenge-success'); AJS.$('#queryStatus span').text('Report Complete'); AJS.tablessortable.setTableSortable(AJS.$('#macroUsageReport table')); return null; } else { this.current += 1; lookupMacro(this.macros[this.current - 1]); } } }; function lookupMacro(macro) { var html = ''; var searchURL = ''; AJS.$('#queryStatus span').text('Getting counts for macro: ' + macro.title); searchURL = AJS.params.baseUrl + '/rest/searchv3/1.0/search?where=${searchSpace}&spaceSearch=true&queryString=macroName:' + encodeURIComponent(macro.name); AJS.${d}.ajax( { type: 'GET', url: searchURL, dataType: "json", timeout:60000, success: function(data) { if(data.total > 0) { var spaces = ''; for(var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++) { if(spaces.indexOf(data.results[i].searchResultContainer.name) == -1) { spaces = spaces == '' ? '' : spaces + ', '; spaces = spaces + data.results[i].searchResultContainer.name; } } html = '<tr>'; html += ' <td class="confluenceTd">' + macro.title + '</td>'; html += ' <td class="confluenceTd">' + macro.name + '</td>'; html += ' <td class="confluenceTd">' + data.total + '</td>'; html += ' <td class="confluenceTd">' + spaces + '</td>'; html += ' <td class="confluenceTd"><a href="' + AJS.params.baseUrl + '/dosearchsite.action?where=conf_all&spaceSearch=true&queryString=macroName:' + encodeURIComponent(macro.name) + '" target="_blank">macro usage</a></td>'; html += '</tr>'; } AJS.$('#macroUsageReport table tbody').append(html); queue.next(); }, error: function (x, y, z) { AJS.$('#queryStatus span').removeClass('aui-lozenge-current'); AJS.$('#queryStatus span').addClass('aui-lozenge-error'); AJS.$('#queryStatus span').text('Error getting counts for macro:' + macro.title); } } ); } function compare(a, b) { if (a.title < b.title) { return -1; } if (a.title > b.title) { return 1; } return 0; } AJS.toInit(function(){ queue.start(); }); </script> <div id="queryStatus"> <span class="status-macro aui-lozenge aui-lozenge-current"></span> </div> <div id="macroUsageReport"> <table class="confluenceTable"> <thead> <tr> <th>Macro Title</th> <th>Macro Name</th> <th>Times Used</th> <th>Spaces Used In</th> <th>Pages Used On</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> </tbody> </table> </div>
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