Automation create issue missing image attachments on description

Zaki Prasasti May 20, 2024

Hi Everyone, 

I want to ask and have issue when creating issue with Automation 

I attach image from original issue, there is image on that, but when automation create replicate this issue, image is missing.


Screen Shot 2024-05-21 at 09.57.28.png


here is issue creating by automation

Screen Shot 2024-05-21 at 09.58.24.png


automation script 

Screen Shot 2024-05-21 at 09.59.59.png


Thank you,

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Nathan Phillips
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 23, 2024

Hello @Zaki Prasasti 

Thank you for reaching out here on the Community! 

I'd like to ask, have you tried using the 'Clone Issues' action in Automation to accomplish your goal? Allow me to provide an example below.


  • I created a test issue in my site, and added an attachment of my three silly dogs:
  • I created a simple Automation Rule which I can Manually trigger from any issue. 
  • When this Automation Rule is triggered, I select to run the 'Clone Issues' action.
  • Within the 'Choose field to set' dropdown, select 'Attachment' as seen below.SCR-20240523-jzgu.png
  • Navigating back to my test issue, and triggering this Automation Rule, we can see this rule runs successfully, creating a clone of this issue and successfully attaching my image:


Would you be able to utilize the 'Clone Issues' action and follow these steps to accomplish your goal? 



Zaki Prasasti September 23, 2024

Will try, thanks @Nathan Phillips 

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