"As we continue to move towards a cloud future together, new server app sales and installs are no longer available for customers. You can update app version via Atlassian Marketplace until the end of support for server on Feb 15, 2024"
I came to the site today to buy Flow Board add-on, to add to a personal-use Confluence server instance. I had seen Flow Board on my work instance, and thought 'Cool, I've been looking for a nice Kanban board for home use.'
Well, AS WITH ALL GOOD THINGS, THE END HAS COME. So I can't get Flow Board. No Atlassian server product licenses are available, and everything has a high cost, both for Cloud and Data Center.
I suspected this would happen when I first bought Confluence for my home--that it wasn't going to be worth the effort to enter data because the day would come, sooner or later, that it would simply be taken away... (At the time I bought a license I was shocked at the low price--that should have tipped me off!) So everyone who is using 10-user server licenses will bump into problems with aging versions, no access to add-ons, and expiration, and then have to go back to some other open source tool, and have to RE-ENTER all their data again.
Makes me not want to pay for software, just to be forced to re-pay again and again, or have to painstakingly migrate to another platform.
Hey @Bastian Stehmann -- I admit that the server license I bought last year is not currently running (I had quickly run into the mire of wanting add-ons only to find many of them were discontinued for Server, so I stopped using it -- my interest in Flow Board would have led to its resurrection).
Your comment "server licenses end" makes it sound like -- even though I saved the installer and license code, are you saying I'm not able to stand that server up anymore? -- that it would simply barf "invalid license" or something. At the outset I had really hoped that wouldn't be the case, but I had a gnawing suspicion.
As for a free Cloud account... Nope, I won't manage my info & data on somebody else computers. Privacy matters. Not gonna happen. No Gmail, Dropbox, M365 for me. Low power PC's are so cheap, and the freedom to combine many different tools... If something melts down then at least it'll be my own fault, not someone else's.
New Licenses for Server were discontinued back in February 2021 and the announcement of their end of life was announced in October of 2020.
It’s hard to have much sympathy is that’s what you are looking for. Good luck finding a different self hosted solution, there are plenty out there.
You can still use server - your licence is "perpetual", and it will continue to work. As long as the version of your server is before the end date of your licence, it will continue to work.