test if I get some kudos stuff
spend 10 kudos
get 10 kudos
But you aren't able to see who send you kudos... this is mentiond here:
@Dominic Lagger - it should be in the Recognition field right?
That's what popped up @Alexander Pappert
Tried giving them back
But there you only see to which person you gave the kudos.
I can't see who gave me kudos :-)
Did you get the kudos from your post?
I think the picture stuff does not work here.....
@Alexander Pappert- it doesn't... I tried to reply using a picture and I didn't received any errors but also the comment hasn't been posted.
@Fabienne Gerhard
I just sent you some kudos.
maybe you can also send me some (10+10+10+...) to get this one
I think it works if 1 person spent you 10 times 10 kudos
@Alexander Pappert - did it work?
That's great!
test to get
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