Happy to be here, looking forward to meeting you all at some point!
Thank you Sir :)
Hi David
Happy you're here - welcome to the group
Thanks Liam, you're a community leader, is that in person events or the online kind?
Hi David - I do a bit of both, but mainly online... I do work with the local Wolverhampton chapter too though
As of today, Jana Hokszova and I have been accepted Atlassian Community leaders in Galway, Ireland. I think we will be the only active group in Ireland, so it will be nice to catch up with our British brethren to see what you dev's are up to and how you manage your communities :)
Welcome to the team too!
The leader Slack is a great place to catch up on that kind of thing, we are a new-ish chapter in Wolverhampton, and the London branch has been going for a while, so I'm sure there will be lots of tips we can share
Got it, I'll post in there too!
I'd also suggest joining the London and Wolverhampton groups on the Community. Good luck on the journey - and feel free to get in touch if you need to (I might not be able to help though!)
Good plan! Also, just having someone to talk through the problem with can be all it takes :)
welcome to the group
Thank you!