So, I've finally made it through "Article Author" challenge publishing this article.
And now - level 2 - Amazing Author
Conditions: Publish 10 articles.
I've published 4 articles to product collections so far, but the challenge still shows 0 of 10 completed:
I've checked some active contributors profiles (people mentioned often in Atlassian Authors group) and some of them already completed this challenge. So, it is possible...
But how :-)? Any thoughts? Thank you.
Hi @Alexander Pappert ,
thanks, yes, these were written during more days...
For the previous badge, only 1 article was needed, but it took me two:
Did you get the normal badges for this - should have got one for each of 1 and 3 articles written.
I'm a bit confused about the overlap between these - have the old badges been deprecated? Can we only get the new kudos badges?
My article count seems to be working for the kudos version.
@Linda Milne_Togetha Group_ Thank you. Yes, I got normal badges (as a study group leader I've published articles in the study groups in the history and it was enough for the badges, but not kudos)
I think the plan is to switch from the badges to kudos in the future, but for now both should work...
So you still don't have the kudos badges? Sounds like a bug to me. Is it worth raising with Monique?
I've asked Monique to look at it as it seems to me there's really some kind of problem.
My guess here is that articles in groups are not counting as articles for the purposes of this badge. Instead, only articles in product or interest collections count.
Would this explain what y'all are seeing?
Hi @Monique vdB ,
thank you. All 4 articles were published in product collections (Jira, Confluence and Marketplace Apps & Integrations). Please, would you look into it more? Thank you!