How to set the SSH remote as default instead of HTTP on the welcome screen when of a new repository

Marcelo L. Filho March 14, 2018


I would like to set as default the SSH connection instead of the HTTP one. How would I do it?



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Caterina Curti
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 19, 2018

Hi @Marcelo L. Filho,

If the user has an access key setup in his profile (see Creating SSH keys), the SSH instructions will be displayed by default.


I just tested it and can confirm that this is still the case with the latest version of Bitbucket Server.


Can you try with a user with an SSH key?





P.s. this was reported some time ago in our issue tracker and that's when this was implemented (BSERV-3423)

Marcelo L. Filho March 20, 2018

Thank you @Caterina Curti, now I know why suddenly it changed! Thanks.

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