We are using Opengrok and more recently Bit Bucket Elastic Search. Elastic Search seems to be the emerging search technology. However, I think Opengrok is far better. The main advantage I see is that it marks up the results. You can click on any variable/class/method in the results, just like you would in an IDE.
They both have cryptic search syntax, that I can live with.
There is quite a bit of back end work to keep Opengrok running - jenkins jobs to run indexing etc. We would like to have just one search tool... but for the moment Opengrok is simply better.
+1 for improving BitBucket search to be as good as Opengrok.
In OpenGrok you can:
- search syntax allows more complex queries, which allows to have less false positive search results, if you search for something special
- search only for symbols definitions
- latest version has good words suggester
- etc.
BTW Hypelinks from Opengrok to Bitbucket are easy to add using 'header_include' file in Opengrok.
Put below javascript into 'header_include' file and configure Opengrok to use it.
<script type="text/javascript">
// add link to bitbucket in header bar
document.pageReady.push(function() {
// parse paths from url
TODO var i = /[/]xref[/]([^-]+)-([^/]+)[/](.*)/.exec(window.location.pathname); // TODO adjust regex to your directory projects names in Opengrok
if(i) {
i = { project:i[1], repo:i[2], path:i[3] };
// create bb link
var bbLink = "https://bitbucket.yourcompany.com/projects/"+i.project+"/repos/"+i.repo+"/browse/"+i.path+""+window.location.hash+"";
// add button
$("div[id='bar'] ul").prepend("<li><a id='bblink' href='"+bbLink+"'>Show on Bitbucket</a> | </li>");
// add link to bitbucket in search results
document.pageReady.push(function() {
// attach to download links
$("tbody.search-result tr td.q a[title='Download']").after(function(a) {
// parse paths from url
TODO var i = /[/]download[/]([^-]+)-([^/]+)[/](.*)/.exec(this.href); // TODO adjust regex to your directory projects names in Opengrok
i = { project:i[1], repo:i[2], path:i[3] };
var lines = $(this).parent().parent().find('span.l').toArray().map(function(x) { return x.innerText;}).join(',');
var bbLink = "https://bitbucket.yourcompany.com/projects/"+i.project+"/repos/"+i.repo+"/browse/"+i.path+"#"+lines+"";
return "<a title='Show on BitBucket' rel='noreferrer' href='"+bbLink+"'> BitBucket</a>";