I am trying to publish the bamboo specs via maven project and put the credentials in the .credentials file. The user has admin permissions. But still I am getting error.
Failed to execute goal com.atlassian.bamboo:bamboo-specs-runner:6.8.1:run (default-cli) on project bamboo-specs: Execution default-cli of goal com.atlassian.bamboo:bamboo-specs-runner:6.8.1:run failed: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: An error occurred while publishing plan DEMO-IBAXOSCI: Could not authenticate user in Bamboo at http://bamboo.calix.local/ - please make sure the credentials are correct: [type: 'file', location: '.credentials', username: 'XXXX']: BambooSpecsRestRequestException -> [Help 1]
With my personal userid it is working fine but for generic user it is not working.
Does anyone else face the same kind to problem. Any help is appreciated