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Unable to deploy maven release artifact

Deepak January 24, 2018


I am using a bamboo build pipeline using maven release to build a spring boot application. Build is working fine, creating the artifact, pushing it to nexus and updating the snapshot version in pom.xml. I have shared this artifact and trying to deploy this shared artifact to PCF (Cloud Foundry) using Command task but I am not aware of how to use this shared artifact after using "Artifact Download" task. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

I am trying to fetch the shared file using target/*.war in the deploy step (Command task - Argument field) but guess bamboo is not able to execute the regex.  If I give the correct name such as target/appname-0.0.1-snapshot.war bamboo is able to find the war file and deploying it successfully. But since maven release always updates the version, I am trying to fetch it using regular expression.



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Gonchik Tsymzhitov
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February 10, 2019



I hope you are covered by **/*..war



Gonchik Tsymzhitov

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