I'm new with bamboo, and since we needed to get information about older deployment releases was get on our radar, some doubts appears.
To retrieve all project's older deploys, I'm using the API to request this infos. To explain, I execute the following steps:
* Retrieve all project's list using "https://xxxxxxxxxxx:xxxx/rest/api/latest/project.json?showEmpty=true&max-results=10000"
* Retrieve all project's plans using "https://xxxxxxxxxxx:xxxx/rest/api/latest/project/project.json?expand=plans"
* Retrieve all project's plan ID using "https://xxxxxxxxxxx:xxxx//rest/api/latest/deploy/project/forPlan?planKey=projectID"
*Retrieve all plan's deployed environments using "https://xxxxxxxxxxx:xxxx/rest/api/latest/deploy/project/environmentID"
* Retrieve all deploy's enviroment results to get all versions that was released to it using "https://xxxxxxxxxxx:xxxx/rest/api/latest/deploy/environment/environmentID/results"
After that, we started to compare the results given by the API and the bamboo's screen "Deployment Projects -> Project -> Releases", and we noted that API gives more info that appears on the screen. For example, the API shows that "Version 2" of the project was deployed to Environments A,B and C, but screen just shows C.
Otherwise, clicking on the the "Version 2" link, the status shows in environment A it was "Skipped",in enviroment B it was "Replaced" and in enviroment C is "Success".
The question is why the screen's informations is different from API? This is why the option "Administration -> Plans -> Expiry" is set?
Another question is, when a new version of the project is deployed, and it replaces the older version, the information of the older version to that environment is removed of the screen?
Thanks a lot for any help.