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Incorrect NCover Code Coverage results

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January 14, 2020

I discovered, that "Line Rate", "Lines of Code", "Lines Executed", "Lines Not Executed" in NCover Code Coverage results don't present right values, their values actually correspond to sequence points coverage, not line coverage. I think, I found the problem code, class: NCoverReportParser, method: parse 

linesOfCode = getLongValueFromNode(document, "count(//seqpnt)");        

linesExecuted = getLongValueFromNode(document, "count(//seqpnt[not(@vc=0 or @visitcount=0)])");        

lineRate = linesExecuted.doubleValue() / linesOfCode.doubleValue();

"Lines of code" is just a number of sequence points from this code, but this is wrong. Is there any hope that it can be fixed? Thanks in advance.

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