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I am not able to checkout from bitbucket Its taking too much of time to checkout from scm and automa

Dhiraj_Kumar_Mishra August 9, 2018
Bamboo builds are taking too much of time for checkout from scm and at last it is hanging up and stops the builds.

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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 17, 2018

Hi @Dhiraj_Kumar_Mishra,

The following investigation/troubleshooting steps can be useful:

Divide and conquer

  1.  Where is the problem?

    ▶︎ What is the behavior in the agent machine to checkout the same repository from terminal? (no Bamboo involvement)

    ▶︎ If the checkout is slow in the terminal, what happens if we do the same thing in the Bitbucket server machine? (no network delay)
  2.  The problem is in Bamboo, but where?

    ▶︎ Try to clean the caches Cog icon >> Overview >> Repository settings select the affected cache and delete it

    ▶︎ Check if you have git installed and the right capability configured in Bamboo (Defining a new version control capability - Atlassian Documentation). Bamboo has an embedded git client (JGit), but the native server installation of Git has lots of improvements in performance if compared with JGit.

    ▶︎ Check the log files:
    From server side:
         Unix like: <Bamboo_Install>/logs/catalina.out
         Windows : <Bamboo_Install>/logs/bamboo-stdout.<DATE>.log
    From the agent side:

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