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Is there a way for me to see all of the stuff I have to be careful with when migrating?

Jean Dupree November 21, 2021

Hi y'all,

I've been seeing a lot of posts in different places talking about how you should check all your plugins and custom fields and workflow changes etc before migrating to the cloud - kind of like doing an audit on all your stuff.  I remember seeing a tool, I think it was called microscope, that could help with that. But now that people can't install new plugins, that's not an option.   Are there any other tools that can do that sort of thing?  Look into all of the workflows and fields and schemes etc... and pull out all of the plugin custom work, kind of like in a table or something else that can be used for as assessment?

The real killer is ScriptRunner.  "

It is important to note that there is no automatic migration path from Server to Cloud so you will need to follow the steps in the migration guide in order to rewrite your scripts and to migrate them to ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud.

It is also important to note that not all of the features inside of ScriptRunner for Jira Server or Data Center exist inside of ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud due to the differences in the API between the Cloud and Server versions, so we would advise reading through the page linked above explaining the differences so you can identify what functionality may be lost when migrating to ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud."

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Brant Schroeder
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November 21, 2021

@Jean Dupree I do not know of any tool that will provide all the answers prior to performing the migration.  Atlassian does provide you with a test instance so you can run your migration multiple times to ensure you have all the steps down that you need to do to be successful.  I would suggest using the provided tools and checklists, performing a test migration and then validating it.  You will be able to identify issues, fix them and document the steps.  This will allow you to come up with your own step by step guide for a successful migration.  All the vendors want you to be successful so as you go through the migration tests you can reach out for help if you get stuck and need assistance.

Here is a great guide to help you with the migration process:

Jean Dupree November 22, 2021

Thanks @Brant Schroeder - what you sent is definitely helpful, and I've read it, but my question boils down to one part, really one question, taken from the Assess phase of that guide: How is each app being used?

Well... how IS each app being used?  I don't know off the top of my head.  Scriptrunner on its own seems like it's all over the place - in workflows and fields.  But even if it's not that, without going and manually checking every single thing, how are we supposed to know how or where everything is being used? Jira doesn't let you do that, and I haven't even started thinking about Confluence.

I've read a lot of really helpful things people have written here, and I'm going to try to learn more as I help my folks with their work.

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