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Discussion regarding the new Jira integration

Edgar Garcia November 15, 2022

Hello, now that the new Jira integration has been enforced - what are everyone's thoughts on it? 

For our use case, the old integration was all that we needed. We only needed the ability to push and sync some tickets to Jira. For example in our main queue we only needed to sync less than 5% of tickets to Jira. We had one form of many for this meant for agent use. Still not having the ability to move tickets between queues is also a bummer. 

Settings things up again has proven to be a pain all for just one form out of 10+. It now seems that all tickets in a Jira enabled queue will need to live in Jira as well correct? 


It would also be nice to have more documentation regarding this bit in the introduction post. When does it make sense to just move to JSM?:
Alongside this change, Jira Service Management is launching a Slack-native ticketing experience (Microsoft Teams coming soon), powered by Halp. This feature will allow you to set up Halp queues directly from your Jira Service Management project settings! Beta coming soon 🙂


Mark Koekemoer November 15, 2022

+1 for some tickets only. This is a dealbreaker for us and I'll need to find a new solution workaround to achieve this. Slack has TOO MUCH content - we can;t bring gall that into Jira projects. 

Mark Koekemoer November 15, 2022

@Edgar Garcia looks like if you create a form with a required field, or have more than one issue type - you can still prompt for the form. 

Can I change the form requirement setting?

Yes! Jira Queues no longer require forms. Specifically, we will create the issue automatically — without the user having to fill out a form — if the Jira-enabled queue has only one request type with no required fields aside from the summary. Learn more connecting to a Jira project.

Mark Koekemoer November 15, 2022

Halp agent response: If you have "Auto-create tickets when a message is posted to channel" enabled for your request channel, every message posted within the request channel will become a ticket. If this is not enabled for the request channel tickets will only be created if agents/users apply the ticket emoji or if they use the /halp slash command


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