In our project, we want to mark a request in Jira Service Management as resolved if we're missing any update from the requester for at least 3 business days.
Ideally using an automation rule configurable via https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1215460/automation-for-jira?tab=overview&hosting=datacenter.
We have the following rules: business days from Monday till Friday, without considering bank holidays.
We are having difficulties identifying any solution to achieve this.
Defining a solution based on status is out of scope.
Defining a JQL query condition updated < -3d is out of scope too due to the fact an issue could be updated by a team member and we want to avoid counting weekends. The counter starting on Friday for a support request should reach 3 days on Wednesday.
Constraints such as https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-22506 are considered.
Please advise what we could configure on the project/& instance. Communicate if you need more info.
Thank you.