We use Jira 7.11.1, Xray 3.4.2-j7, Xporter 6.0.7-j7 .
But when I try to export a test plan for example, I have an error.
Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/xpandit/raven/service/RavenIssuesTypeService
At com.xpandit.jiraxporter.mapping.XporterFieldRetriever.lambdaGetFieldRetriever$143(XporterFieldRetriever.java:2185)
at com.xpandit.jiraxporter.utils.FieldMapper.lambda$getDefaultMapping$4(FieldMapper.java:293)
I try differents templates (from store or personal), but it's the same problem. I try to put only the variable ${TestsCount} in the template to export a "Test Plan" for example
I have searched on bug trackers, so maybe a problem of compatibility?
Any news about this issue?