I would like to ask if it is possible to notify the author of an article, discussion or question when it is removed including a reason why.
My first article was removed then it was approved and then removed again and now its approved again. All without me getting any notification on why article was removed the first or second time.
Not knowing why an article was removed makes it hard to learn from the mistakes that got the article removed in the first place and thus makes it easier to become a repeat offender. Especially if you think you are following the guidelines/rules as set.
Can a community manager share if this is possible, or if there is another way to educate an author so they don't become a repeat offender when they just want to contribute to the community?
Hi @Janice
Thanks for your reply and thoughts on this.
Interpreting guidelines to make a moderation call can be a difficult balance
I completely understand, but that is also the reason I request to share the reason for moderating a thread with the author, to turn it into a discussion and hopefully be educational to both author and moderator.
we've taken steps to remediate the issue that impacted your topic. While it's no consolation, the experience you had will help ensure these types of occurrences are minimized moving forward.
I'm happy to be the one to experience this if it leads to improvements for future contributions by all that want to contribute.
In regards to the email community-managers@atlassian.com; this is not a active email address. We encourage all inquiries to be routed to communitymanagers@atlassian.com. I've updated the article to reflect this.
Then it makes sense no reply will ever come. I've updated my contacts list and thanks for updating the guidelines.
But the big question still remains, can authors be notified when a contribution they posted is removed? This would be I think the first step in improving the experience posting in this great community. Maybe just a simple reply in the thread. This reply can be removed if needed and the author, if interested in his/her own post will be notified and can take action.
@Janice Do you have any update on this?
Hiya Mark! The feedback you shared is heard and I agree with you 💯. Atlassian staff communicate best practices (such as notifying original posters of topics that have moderation actions applied) to all involved in the moderation of our community. However, moderation is a team effort, human in nature, and therefore not perfect.
Thanks @Janice for your reply and updates for the community moderators to also notify the author.
That is all I was looking for!