Linked Issues Status Validator (JMWE app) for stopping status movement

Tyas Iglecias January 21, 2021

HI Guys,

I have Problem about validation JMWE,

I have 2 Issuetype A and B
I used Issue link type "Related to" for integrate issuetype

logic condition is True : if A  status "done" than B can move "open" to "Inprogress"

I set validation used "Linked Issues Status Validator (JMWE app)" False : if  A status not " done" than B message will be displayed if validation fails: Please Complete A

It's solved by JMWE

the problem

1. issue in jmwe have 2 type link " Relates to" what the difference?
2. I try used first "reletes to", If I link issue B to Issue A (the logic true), the logic work well status issue B can move to  "in progress"
if I link issue A to Issue B (the logic true), than B message will be displayed if validation fails: "Please Complete A" and status can't move to "in progress". Why is this happening?
Relates to.jpg

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David Fischer
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January 22, 2021

Hi @Tyas Iglecias 

  1. the two "relates to" are two different link type directions. I would strongly recommend renaming one direction on the "Issue Linking" Jira admin page. I personally use "is related to" for one direction. Why? This way, you'll be able to recognize the direction of the link from issue A to issue B
  2. again, link types are directional, so you need to select the right direction. Once you solve (1), you'll be able to solve (2)
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