Hi All
Lets exchange some usfull stuf. In managing Jira what for scripts do you use? Did you write some, or just what is avaliable in GUI?
I have writen some i python and use to make my life simpler
- add_users --> import users from CSV and assign them to groups
- i receive lots of requests to add users, so this is easier to me
- add_users_to_group --> from csv add existing users to group
- check_project_rolles --> inside one company there is strict pollcy not to add any users to roles, just user groups, scripts that goes througt all projects and writes if there are more then 1 actor in rolle
- finish_project_setup --> when i create project, groups has to be assigned to rolles, script creates rolles, and assigns them to project
- get_role_actors --> looks in some project, in some rolle and writes out actors, written because of those rule no users assigned to project, and there was around 400 users in rolle, i was lazy to click and copy/paste them.
Anyone using something else?