Feature Request: Add Action to export all rules JSON and post it to GIT repository

Yury Zhytkou July 12, 2018

Since this plugin is all about automation - how about automating the process of version control for the rules themselves? 

It is currently possible to export all rules JSON manually in the UI. Why not automate this and have an action that would do the same as well as post it to GIT repo? Then we can create a rule with Scheduled trigger (i.e. every day or so) to run that action and do git push automatically.

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John McKiernan
Atlassian Partner
July 16, 2018

Hi Yury,

I know Nick has already responded to your private message but I will post it here too so it is public too :)

Your idea is a really good one. We have added some more details to the issue tracking versioning of config: https://codebarrel.atlassian.net/browse/AUT-471

Though, we may just push all config changes to the git repo. Once we get to this change, we will pop an email to let you know!



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