I'm developing a custom plugin to integrate Jira 6.3.14 with an OAuth2 server.
First of all, as described here I changed seraph-confix.xml and extended JiraSeraphAuthenticator.
I overrode the method Principal getUser(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response). The first thing the method has to do is redirecting the user to the server to allow the user insert their credentials in a form via "response.sendRedirect(url);". The method getUser however gets called more than once. The first time, response is not null but the following times it becomes null and when finally response.sendRedirect(url) gets called I have a NullpointerException. Whys isn't this working? Do I have to change my web.xml in some way as well other than editing seraph-config.xml? can I perform a redirection inside the getUser method?
Thanks. It's my first post I didn't know about the existance of the developers forum. Thank you!
No problem. It's not obvious unless you know! Hoping Atlassian will sign-post it a bit more clearly.
Anyway, here's a link to the thread you opened there in case anyone seeing this wants to answer or read: https://community.developer.atlassian.com/t/custom-oauth-2-0-plugin-development/3528