How can you communicate to a contributor that their solution will be overlooked because their internal customer is on vacation??
A customer recently asked me:
I'd like to have an out of office message every time a user comments on an issue, and the reporter is on leave. Can your app do that?
My first answer was: no, that's not how the app works!
But I was VERY unhappy with my answer. So I slept on it.
And it probably was the Saturday shower that lit the bulb...
Of course you can! It's just going to be a bit different.
So, take your pad and pen: here's the recipe!
To set up this solution, you only need two elements:
Do you have your absences? Great! Then, Jira can already react when your users are Out of Office.
Let's set up the automation rule in Automation for Jira:
You want commentors to be aware that the reporter is away. So let's pick just that. Of course, you may want to tweak your trigger to different situations.
For example, you may want to trigger this rule when an issue is transitioned to "in review", or completed altogether.
We want a message to be sent only for issues whose reporter is Out of Office. So use this JQL:
We want a single branch and to act on the same issue that triggered the rule execution
Now it's the moment for our Out of Office message. Unfortunately we can't customize the message per user, but I think it's already really useful if you're able to send folks to the user view where they can check the exact schedule of the absent reporter.
This is the message I like to use:
For more comfort, just copy it from here:
{{reporter.emailAddress}}, the reporter of this issue, is currently absent. Please check their profile in the Out of Office User View for more details:
Obviously, remember to replace your domain and your project key!
Once you publish the rule and your absence start happening, you'll see messages like this posted by Automation for Jira:
That's all! Hope you enjoyed this quick walkthrough.
If you want to keep reading, here's a similar (more common) combination of Out of Office and Automation for Jira!
Jaime Capitel _resolution_