If you use infrastructure as a code with Bamboo and using Java or YAML Bamboo specs, you can configure Microsoft Teams build tasks and notifiers directly in the code. For this you need to use Microsoft Teams Bamboo Connector.
You can see a short video demo here.
With Microsoft Teams Build Task definition use can use Bamboo variable and here is the guide and below is an example of usage of it in the Java and YAML specs.
.stages(new Stage("Default Stage")
.jobs(new Job("Default Job",
new BambooKey("JOB1"))
.tasks(new VcsCheckoutTask()
.description("Checkout Default Repository")
.checkoutItems(new CheckoutItem().defaultRepository()),
new ScriptTask()
.inlineBody("exit 0"),
new AnyTask(new AtlassianModule("com.moveworkforward.bamboo.microsoft-teams-notifier:microsoftTeamsBuildTask"))
.description("MST Build Task")
.configuration(new MapBuilder()
.put("mswebhookUrl", "https://moveworkforward0.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/afad8b60-4507-4100-bff7-f963ae9543ab@57e6a115-9c9a-4cee-9e52-2cae48e2251a/IncomingWebhook/bcc0f209ba554616909d5ed0365acb48/f889a410-e1df-490e-bfae-412eca9d3f60")
.put("msMessage", "The build of Move Work Forward project was successful.")
YAML Bamboo Specs
Default Job:
key: JOB1
- checkout:
force-clean-build: 'false'
description: Checkout Default Repository
- script:
interpreter: SHELL
- exit 0
description: Build
- any-task:
plugin-key: com.moveworkforward.bamboo.microsoft-teams-notifier:microsoftTeamsBuildTask
mswebhookUrl: https://moveworkforward0.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/afad8b60-4507-41c0-bff7-f963ae9543ab@57e6a115-9c9a-4cee-9e52-2cae48e2251a/IncomingWebhook/bcc0f209ba554616909d5ed0365acb48/f889a410-e1df-490e-bfae-412eca9d3f60
msMessage: The build of Move Work Forward project was successful.
description: MST Build Task
artifact-subscriptions: []
Just with a few lines of code you can increase team visibility with Microsoft Teams Bamboo Connector.
If you have any questions - please reach out.
Move Work Forward
Move Work Forward
Move Work Forward
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