By the end of 2020, experts predict that 83% of enterprise workloads will be in the cloud. Cloud services are more secure, sustainable, agile, and cost-effective than ever before and companies are finding fewer reasons to stay on-premises.
However, migrating to the cloud can often turn out to be complex and overwhelming. Organizations have a lot to considerations for cloud migration, including readiness assessment, cost efficiency, and security.
Then how can we easily start our cloud journey?
One thing I want to recommend is using of the appropriate apps for cloud.
Cloud Migration Assistants is one of the famous apps that help with migration.
Another app for cloud migration is Flexible User Licenses that reduces cloud costs.
One of the most important factors in many business decisions is cost.
When we look at the big picture, factoring in the total cost of ownership, cloud saves money in the long run. But if we factor in the additional costs of migration from on-prem, cloud will almost always be a more expensive short-term investment.
This app optimizes Atlassian user licenses to help you save money right away.
You can try it free here at any time
For more information, please download this white paper.
This white paper contains considerations for cloud migration.
- Why should enterprise companies move to the cloud?
- Which option is best for you?
- Getting started with a cloud journey easily using the marketplace apps and engaging solution partners
Hye-Jin Kim
Marketing Director
Open Source Consulting Inc
South Korea
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