Our English webinar 'Improve your consulting skills using storytelling - Our best tips to convince and inspire your audience' is taking place tomorrow!
Learn in our webinar:
- What storytelling actually is
- Why we love stories
- How storytelling helps in consulting
- Proven storytelling tips for consultants
Interesting for: (IT) consultants, marketing professionals and anyone who wants to inspire other people.
Sign up now for free in Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/9716645322727/WN_2k4r4lX4Soe_Fd-lRDab6w
Interested in the topic but you are already busy? No worries, just register, and you will get the recording afterwards!
Looking forward to see you tomorrow!
Andreas Springer _Actonic_
Head of Marketing
Actonic GmbH
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