I am excited to introduce apps4agile.com to the Atlassian Community!
Its mission is to make information - learnings, resources, and solutions - from the Atlassian ecosystem easy to find. With over 400 content pieces (resources, news, and tutorials), the website is now ready for primetime.
It also offers an apps4agile Digest that you can subscribe to that includes all the curated news and insights worth knowing in one monthly email. Here is what it looks like.
The nature of the new apps4agile project requires sifting through hundreds of blog posts and news within the Atlassian ecosystem. I look at the information available across many resources. And instead of keeping this work to myself, I'll share the best resources, curated articles, and news you might want to explore further.
There is so much expert knowledge out there, let’s make sure that Atlassian customers can get to it at the right time, when they have a problem they need to solve.
Hope you visit apps4agile.com, and I hope you find it useful!
Inna Gordin
Publisher, apps4agile
New Jersey, USA
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