Cooperation with part-time contractors is getting more common due to transitioning to remote work as it becomes a new normal after the pandemic, although it has its own specifics and challenges. Successful contracting depends on the right task tracking and time management, so companies search for the proper tools.
ActivityTimeline offers a wide variety of features for the comfort of both parties. Main Dashboard provides a complete view of all ongoing processes. It’s like a map that shows every user, his/her tasks, and projects. Other modules with the personal cabinet for employees, timesheeting, and reporting are necessary for the evaluation of success and analytics.
Working with contractors may be quite unstable and not easy to control, especially if they’re dispersed around the globe. The app visualizes all the resources, grouped into teams to your taste, and helps with most of the pains.
Get a clear picture of the resources' capacity. Observe the workload - in hours, story points or issues, availability, and work logs.
We can hardly imagine an efficient workflow without analyzing and evaluating, so the app provides two must-have modules - Track and Report.
Timesheets are included in the application. Users can log time from the main dashboard or from their personal cabinet, where they’ll find a pleasant bonus - Timetracker, which helps to calculate the worked time. After that, managers can approve or disapprove work. Users can also choose between billable and non-billable hours, or create their own categories which are quite useful when you work with part-time contractors.
Collaboration with contractors may be challenging but only for those who haven't found the right management tool which helps both sides and makes the working process even more effective.
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Kate Bulei [Reliex]