Plan and track how teams spend their time and effort may represent a rocket science for many team leaders. Not rarely they need to deal with a considerable amount of variables to “hit the target” when consolidating results.
This is particularly hard to do in Jira because although the tool allows many users from different teams to log hours in a certain issue, there is no way to plan this distribution in advance and compare the planned versus the executed work.
If they use an app such as Tempo for example, there is an additional layer to be considered: the accounts. Accounts can be used for different purposes but in general they represent entities that group issues for a better organization of billing or budgetary processes.
Accounts are informed on the issues as custom fields so when teams log hours the amount of time will be attributed to that particular account.
But how to plan efforts based on accounts?
ContractsPro does that in a way all data can be tracked, from the contract to the worklogs. It is called “Account Slices“: you can create a contract and add accounts to it. For each account you can plan the work distribution among up to 4 different teams (slices) that will be in charge of those account tasks:
The best part of it? You can plan not only the billable hours but also the non-billable ones! This will help you to avoid surprises when reporting the project margins and to better plan your next efforts based on the actual team’s productivity!
When people log their time, ContractsPro identifies the team each person belongs to and how the team’s participation is represented in the total amount. This can be easily tracked via Delivery Report.
You can see how team are performing and how close/far they are from the goals established for both billable and non-billable hours. And if you have more hours logged than planned, the report will show this information so you can easily identify bottlenecks and reassign the work!
Did you like it? Check this video to get more information about the account slices:
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Eduardo Anflor - MindPro
Product Leader
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