Baselines, Issues under Epics and more new features - Read Epic Roadmaps Dev Blog from v3.0 to v3.5

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The spring of 2022 brought a lot of changes for Epic Roadmap, our popular Jira Server/DC plugin, so we thought it’s time to take stock of what’s new, provide you with some background on why we made those decisions, and reflect upon the changes and updates released in the past few months.

Complete reworking of Epic Roadmap with 3.0 update

Epic Roadmap is a well-liked Server/Data Center application on the Atlassian Marketplace, which is perhaps signaled by its becoming a member of the 500 Club, a list of popular apps curated by Blended Perspectives, a Canadian Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner.

Epic Roadmap - Club 500

Over 2020 and 2021, we have received generous and positive feedback and plenty of suggestions for further improvement as well over our Support Portal. We are happy to say that many of these requests are answered by the new features implemented in versions 3.0 to 3.5 of the app.

Perhaps the biggest change to date in the life of Epic Roadmap came on 21st, of March, with the introduction of version 3.0. After seeing customer requests and our ideas to meet these needs and other features we envisioned for Epic Roadmap, we came to realize that we needed to rewire how the app handles projects and boards.

In the previous versions, when a roadmap was added to a project with multiple boards, they were created for each board immediately, but there was no option to configure them differently for each board. Also, when opened through different projects, changes made in one project didn’t translate to other projects’ views.

To eliminate these problems and make the roadmaps more easily configurable (per board), and make them tied closer to boards instead of projects, we had to take a huge risk. Making the necessary back-end modifications would cause some data loss in the settings users made in their roadmaps, and some of these configurations would have to be made again after the update.

You can read more on this in the upgrade guide. But again, we were firm believers that the benefits would greatly outweigh these inconveniences after the update, and a huge majority of our users agreed and migrated with us to the new version.

Backend Illustration ER blogpost

New releases with every sprint

From then on, the development process could speed up, and in fact, our team was able to release new versions after every 2-week sprint. (Fun fact: EverIT’s Atlassian App developer teams, organized by app deployment, are named after animals like Eagles and Tigers, and they work in an Agile/Scrum way.)

The first update to come out in early April and the two that followed over the next month brought a lot of small improvements. We call them small now, but these new features were usually requested by our users, so for them, they were pretty important on their own, so thanks Ashley, Marcus, Joe, Mathias, Senam, and everybody else for your suggestions, we hope you are satisfied with the results. These minor improvements also make the UI of the Epic Roadmap easier to use.

Epic Roadmap 3.1 to 3.0

Then with versions 3.4 and 3.5, we were finally able to roll out the big features that necessitated the architect rebuild we talked about earlier.

Update 3.4 introduced a baseline management feature to the app, that gives you the ability to measure the progress and compare the schedules of projects, epics, or issues better. Viewing, moving, or even editing linked Issues straight from the Roadmap offers you great flexibility, as you can see from the GIF examples below. You can also restore a selected baseline. As a result of the restoration, all Epic Issues’ Start and End dates will be restored on the roadmap based on the baseline.

Save and display a baseline

Restore a baseline

In the 3.5 version, you can now edit the linked issues of an Epic through the roadmaps. You can also view and edit the details of Issues under the Epics by clicking on them the same way as you can do with the Epic Issues.

View and schedule an Issue under an Epic



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