An add-on that connects Jira with a test automation platform and adds significant test management capacity to the Jira interface, such as QARAJ, is a solution to Jira's restricted test management capabilities. QARAJ is a Jira add-on that connects Jira to the QARA Enterprise test automation and management platform from The Digital Group. Instead of switching to JIRA, it can be used in conjunction with QARA Enterprise to track projects and defects on the same platform.
Here we shall have a look at the testcases in QARAJ and also an understanding of defects. So, let’s get started.
Understanding Testcases
This section shows the testcases that have been developed in the appropriate folder. There is a series of actions that may be performed on the Testcases at the top of the page -
1] Run: Used to run the testcases
The Run button takes you to the Add-on's Execution section.
2] Assign: The testcases are assigned to members of the team using this method. When you click Assign, a pop-up window appears, allowing you to choose a user's name from a drop-down menu.
3] Export: To export the testcases grid to an MS Excel spreadsheet, use this command. This option saves the data to a spreadsheet, with each test case being given to its own tab.
4] Export (Linear Column): Used to export the testcases grid to an MS Excel spreadsheet in a linear column format, with all testcases exported in a single tab.
5] Copy/Move/Reference: Used to copy, move or create a reference testcase, within the project or any other project. Clicking on this opens a pop-up where you can click on the Copy, Move or Reference buttons.
**Note: The Reference option makes a copy of the testcase that reflects changes made in either the original (parent testcase) or the copy (reference testcase).
6] Delete: Used to delete a testcase.
**Note: We can run/execute one or multiple test cases at once.
By clicking on the respective Execution History icon, you may get the Execution History for each testcase.
Understanding Defects
The Defects module displays information about defects. The following sections are featured on the Defects dashboard.
When you click on the Defect module, a new icon called Add Defect appears.
You can use this icon to go to the Defect Creation screen, where you can fill in the Title, Summary, and Assigned to field with the user to whom the Defect should be assigned, and then click the Save icon in the upper right to save the Defect.
Once you save the Defect, it is displayed on the left panel.
So, that was about testcases and defects in QARAJ. As you can see, QARAJ offers a simple and easy installation process. Have you had a chance to try QARAJ yet? Click here to get the QARAJ add-on on the Atlassian Marketplace.
Amit Dabli