5 Untypical Metrics to Track Team Activity In Jira

While tracking team activity in Jira typically involves using traditional metrics like velocity, cycle time, and burndown charts, examining unusual indicators might yield extra information about team dynamics, collaboration, and overall productivity. These untypical measurements have the ability to reveal hidden trends and potential improvement areas that regular metrics might miss.

  1. Communication on Tasks

Monitoring team communication patterns and standards can provide valuable insights into teamwork and coordination. This indicator measures the frequency with which team members comment on issues, participate in discussions, and provide updates.

Key Questions:

How frequently do team members comment on issues?

What were the last changes made to clients' tickets?

Solution: Issue History for Jira 

The app tracks the history of every issue field and has multiple filters to analyze different past activities.

Here you can see comments added by different team members considering dates and time.

For further analysis, to calculate the number of comments added by each user, you can export the report as a CSV or Excel file. Then use the Pivot table for calculation.

Amount of comments by each user:

You also might check out this case How to monitor last changes made to client's tickets

  1. Task Handoff Frequency

Task handoff frequency measures how often tasks are passed between team members.  Handoffs occurring frequently may be a sign of extremely divided processes or unclear duties, both of which can result in inefficiencies.

Key Questions:

How often are tasks passed between team members?

Are there specific tasks or types of work that involve more handoffs?

Solution: Issue History for Jira 

This report presents complete assignee history for each issue.

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  1. Bug Discovery to Resolution Ratio

This ratio compares the number of bugs discovered within a specific period to the number of bugs resolved in the same period. A balanced ratio indicates effective bug management, while a disparity might highlight issues in the bug-fixing process.

Key Questions:

How does the number of discovered bugs compare to the number of resolved bugs over time?

Are there periods with significant discrepancies, and what are the underlying causes?

Solution: Created vs. Resolved Chart

In general, this gadget shows issues based on the specified filter and other criteria like selected period. In this case, we created a filter with “issuetype = bug AND project = Development” and used it with this chart.


  1. Idle Time

The times when work items are not being actively engaged on are measured by idle time. This indicator aids in locating workflow inefficiencies and delays, such as waiting on dependencies or approvals. 

Key Questions:

How long do issues stay in “On Hold” status?

Which tasks experience the most idle time and why?

Solution: Time in Status

The app helps to identify time spent in each state, and for this case, we check the time when a task is stacked in “On Hold”.

  1. Work Distribution Equity

This measure evaluates the fairness of the division of work among team members. Unequal allocation may result in inactivity and burnout.

Key Questions: 

How evenly is work distributed among team members?

Are there consistent patterns of overwork or underwork for specific individuals?

Solution: Workload Pie Gadget or Issue Statistics

This gadget presents the time each team member spent on task completion.


Issue Statistics

Extra part: Complete Report of Team Activity

With Issue History for Jira, you can analyze different aspects of the team's past activity. The app presents a comprehensive overview of every change on the issue level. You can track comments, status, description, assignee updates, etc.


Effective team activity analysis in Jira can transform chaotic workflows into streamlined processes. Adding these untypical metrics might help you gain an even more profound understanding of team progress. By combining with traditional ones, you will get a comprehensive view of team activities and help foster a culture of continuous enhancement and innovation. What metrics do you track when analyzing team performance in Jira?



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