I love Jira Service Management (Jira Service Desk), but let’s face it, one single field for uploading attachments is sometimes not enough 😞
Don’t see the problem with this form?
Documents and pictures are mixed together
No file size restriction, except the global Jira max file size
No restriction on the number of files that can be uploaded
The signed NDA is split into two PDF documents
And BTW, where is the latest version of this NDA form?
Because we believe JSM can be even better, we have launched File Field for Jira Server and Data Center. Let’s upgrade the previous form:
NDA Form and Professional Pictures are now two separate fields.
No need to search for the NDA Form, it is pre-loaded in the field.
One click to open it, another click to print it after filling it, and a final click to upload the signed version. That’s it.
Click on the “how to fill” pictures to open them in a lightbox:
Users cannot upload 6.61M bitmap files anymore 😅
Because two pictures of Jon Snow and one file for the NDA are enough!
File Field Jira App is very addictive.
Try it for free at your own risks on your Jira Server/DC.
David Berclaz _Apwide_
Co-Founder of Apwide
Apwide - Gold Marketplace Partner
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