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Jira 6.1.3 & Oracle 11g

Quentin Deldycke November 25, 2013


We are trynig to install Jira with a oracle database in our infrastructure.

We currently have

1 virtual machine Windows server 2008 32b

  • hosting jira 6.1.3

1 virtual machine Windows server 2008 32b

  • hostring oracle 11gr2

At the beginning of installation process, we are facing a SQL problem:

com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertyImplementationException: while inserting: [GenericEntity:OSPropertyEntry][id,null][entityId,1][propertyKey,jira.i18n.language.index][type,5][entityName,] (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO propertyentry (ID, ENTITY_NAME, ENTITY_ID, PROPERTY_KEY, propertytype) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (ORA-01400: impossible d'insérer NULL dans ("JIRADBUSER"."PROPERTYENTRY"."ID")

if we try to relaunch the install process, jira complain about the database not being empty. We have verified the user rights for oracle following the documentation. Was granted:

  • connect
  • create table
  • create sequence
  • create trigger

Thanks for your help.

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Quentin Deldycke November 25, 2013


We have manage to correct the issue with the help of 2 other brains inside our company:

  • We tried the same sql request from a command line on the oracle server with our jira user and password.
  • There, we received a 'No privileges on tablespace 'XXX'
  • We went to see the rights of our user with the web interface of oracle.
  • There we could see our rights:
    • Connect, create table, create sequence, create trigger
    • And that was all!
  • So we also added all the rights available, like insert, DROP and other "normal sql commands"
  • From there, everything is working fine!

So it seems:

  • Somehow, our installation don't give correct default rights
  • The error printed is completely not the real problem! (oracle seems to have a funny way of reporting errors....)

So, it is now working, but i think it won't be bad to add to documentation all the rights jira could need.

Anyway, thanks for your help and your reactivity! It is always pleasent to work with reactive people!

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Peter Van de Voorde
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November 25, 2013

Hi Quentin,

Did you try to empty the database completely and retry again?

Is this a new install or an upgrade?

Best regards,


Quentin Deldycke November 25, 2013


Yes, it is the ones in the installer 'atlassian-jira-6.1.3-x32.exe'. No modification was made to jira installation to reproduce this bug.

We also have tried to replace the ojdbc6- from the lib/ repertory of JIRA. We have replaced by the revision: present in this page:

But the problem still remains.

Peter Van de Voorde
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November 25, 2013

Hi Quentin,

Which Database drivers are you using? The build in Jira ones?

Best regards,


Quentin Deldycke November 25, 2013

Yes, the base was made empty a couple of time and the process restarted.

It is a new install.

132 tables are created during the operation. But none of them jhave rows.

Peter Van de Voorde
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November 25, 2013

Hi Quentin,

Could you try it with the latest release? version 6.1.4 :

And before you try to install that version remove your complete home and installation directory from your system (or even better: reset your virtual machine to a point before you did the first Jira installation)

Best regards,


Quentin Deldycke November 25, 2013


Ok, i will do this and keep you up to date in a couple of minutes.

Quentin Deldycke November 25, 2013


I have the exact same error. with jira 6.1.4

  • A ctrl+u on my webbrowser show a jump of version of jira from 6.1.3 to 6.1.4
  • The schema is now made of 135 tables. All empty.
Peter Van de Voorde
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November 25, 2013

Just wondering, what happens if you use the build in HDBSQL database?

Did you use the exact same permissions and drivers as explained here : ?

Are you using the correct jdk (1.7) ?

Best regards,


Quentin Deldycke November 25, 2013

Ok, i will try this build on demo mode to see if database installation in this mode is correct.

By the way, my windows server is a clean build (freshly installed from dvd with only jira installer). I don't have any java.exe in my environnement. It report an unknown command.

The only available java.exe is the one in the installer.

Version 1.7.0_25-b17.

Yes, these are the exact same permissions. The only difference is the quota i put on my database (256mo + extension to 1go...)

Quentin Deldycke November 25, 2013

I confirm that i can use the demo mode without problems! The installation process worked perfectly!

It seems to be a oracle specific problem.

Peter Van de Voorde
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November 25, 2013

Could you try the installation without the quota in the DB?

And maybe check your dbconfig.xml file in the Jira-home directory for errors?

(see if the correct dialect is being used for example)

Or simply past it here.

Best regards,


Quentin Deldycke November 25, 2013

I retried without the quota, same problem.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Here is my dbconfig.xml. Note that nothing have been replaced.

My server is correctly available at the defined ip and port. as tables are created.

However i don't know the details of oracle... But this informations look strange to me:


And i don't know what is this:

Edit: oops, seems i can't put in bold with code...

Peter Van de Voorde
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November 25, 2013

the databasetype isn't really an issue

and the thin means you are using the Oracle thin client to connect to your Oracle instance, which is the standard for Jira.

I have no idea's left, I think it's best if you contact Atlassian support directly here : , I hope they can help you out.

Good luck.

Best regards,


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