JIRA wiki markup via REST API into PHP

John Miller November 26, 2015

Hello, I am successfully querying my issue in PHP using cURL:


The output, however, is not marked up as it is in the issue's description on JIRA itself. At first I thought it was Markdown, so I sent it through that renderer:


but that did not work, because it turns out it's not Markdown at all. Here is the syntax: https://jira.atlassian.com/secure/WikiRendererHelpAction.jspa?section=all

How do I go about grabbing the full rendered output of the formatted fields, in this case the summary field?

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Andreas Ebert
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November 26, 2015

You're probably talking about the description field. The summary field is not a rendered field, i.e. you cannot use JIRA's wiki syntax to format it.

But to answer your question: You can get the rendered output by expanding renderedFields. Take a look at the docu for the REST resource GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey} and search for renderedFields. There is explains how to use it.


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