How to detect if an issue is a clone in a listener at issueCreated

Brian Louks April 1, 2012

Doesn't look like there's a good way to detect what's a clone via a listener. The "Cloners" issue link apparently isn't added at the time the issueCreated event is handled by the listner.

Anyone know is there's a way to detect cloning at issue create time?

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 2, 2012
You could check if you find some method specific to the clone action in you stacktrace. Just add this statement to your listener: new Exception().printStackTrace() and check catalina.out
Brian Louks April 2, 2012

You're crazy man. I like you, but you're crazy. This does show up in the stack trace: com.atlassian.jira.web.action.issue.CreateIssueDetails createIssue

I don't want to do it ... but I just might! Thanks

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 2, 2012
Well, i don't mind to be crazy if it helps ;) ... Like here:
Brian Louks April 2, 2012

Whoops, I mean this is in the stack trace: com.atlassian.jira.web.action.issue.CloneIssueDetails doExecute

The other line I mentioned was in the stack trace, but wouldn't be very useful.

Thanks again

Atlassian Partner
June 30, 2013


Did you find a working solution?


Brian Louks June 30, 2013

I did not find any good ways to do this, no

vinit k shah December 27, 2018

Hi Brian,

we also get this line in stacktrace. com.atlassian.jira.web.action.issue.CloneIssueDetails doExecute

But My question, how we do get source jira issue Id from which cloned happen in jira event listener ? 

Atlassian Partner
December 27, 2018

Hi Vints

Check the comments below.  The way we solved it in the table grid editor app is by creating a new custom field 'Origin ID'  More information in the link



vinit k shah December 27, 2018

Thanks for quick reply. 

But we don't have provision to introduce new custom fields in jira, Is it possible with some other way ? 

Actual Problem : we are add-on vendor (Test Management) , when customer uses jira's clone functionality, our data (steps) are not copied on newly created jira issue.

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Nathon Fowlie
April 27, 2014

Resurrecting an old post, but you could look at the issue links and check the outward description. Here's some sample code. I haven't tested it so it may not compile.

Issue issue = event.getIssue();
IssueLinkManager issueLinkManager = ComponentAccessor.getIssueLinkManager();
IssueLinkTypeManager issueLinkTypeManager = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(IssueLinkTypeManager.class);
// Alternatively you could put the "Cloners" issue link type id in a constant rather than try 
// to find it by name and assuming the first list result is the one you want.
List<IssueLinkType> clonersIssueLinkTypes = issueLinkTypeManager.getIssueLinkTypesByName("Cloners");
Long cloneIssueLinkTypeId = null;

if (clonersIssueLinkTypes) {
    cloneIssueLinkTypeId = clonersIssueLinkTypes.listIterator().next().getId();
} else {
    LOG.warn("Unable to find the 'cloners' issue link type, cannot continue...");
List<IssueLink> outwardLinks = issueLinkManager.getOutwardLinks(issue.getId());

if (outwardLinks) {
    for (IssueLink issueLink : outwardLinks) {
        if (issueLink.getIssueLinkTypeId() == cloneIssueLinkTypeId ) {
            // This is a cloned issue, do things and stuff.

Atlassian Partner
April 27, 2014

We actually solved it this way

Still I think this should be part of the core product.

Nathon Fowlie May 15, 2014

That's a good way to handle it. I ended up doing pretty much the exact same thing. On issue created, if "OriginID" is null, this is a brand new issue so set OriginID to the issue key of the newly created issue. If not null, then this is a clone of an existing issue, do whatever needs to be done and update OriginID.

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Brian Louks June 30, 2013

I did not find any good ways to do this, no

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