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Access com.atlassian.greenhopper.* Java API

Manu November 17, 2013

Hey guys,

I try to develop a Plugin for Jira Agile. Therefore I integrated the maven dependency:


Now I am trying to access the com.atlassian.greenhopper.EventListenerRegistry class and the implementation of the 
com.atlassian.greenhopper.manager.issuelink.EpicLinkManager Interface. But when I add for instance to the 
atlassian-plugin.xml file the following:

<component-import key="epicLinkManager" interface="com.atlassian.greenhopper.manager.issuelink.EpicLinkManager"/>
The plugin doesnt start with hundreds of error messages. Does anybody have an idea what this could be?

In comparison, when I add something of the package com.pyxis.greenhopper.XXX to the atlassian-plugin.xml 
it works. What do I do wrong here? I worked with this Javadoc (https://docs.atlassian.com/greenhopper/6.3.3/). There 
both packages are described. 



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Manu November 21, 2013

To answer the question by myself: It is simply NOT possible to access the services I would need ,what is very frustrating in my opinion, these services would make life MUCH easier! Why are they even mentioned if they cannot be used?

I found my answer in this thread after very long time of searching: https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/166627/how-to-access-greenhopper-services-and-managers

I also read it would be possible to use reflections to retrieve these services. I would not know how to implement that. Does anybody have an idea how this can be done?



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Rainer Burgstaller August 6, 2014

  1. run
    in your project directory to start up the server
  2. download jira agile from the addon marketplace and install it (just like you would on the real server)
  3. in your `pom.xml` add the following lines
  4. build on the commandline so that maven can download the whole internet (grab a coffee while doing this) `atlas-compile`
  5. now reimport the project in the IDE (or do a "maven update dependencies") so that the newly downloaded jars
  6. now you can reference the classes from the greenhopper plugin

I haven t done the <component-import> since I did not need it from my project but I assume that this should work as stated in other posts of this question.

Note that there is also the jira-greenhopper-api maven artifact which you might want to look at. To figure out whats available, have a look at



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Bas Van der Hoek
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January 20, 2014

What I did is install the JIRA Agile plugin in the Maven repository with

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=plugin.2028706680741470180.jira-greenhopper-plugin- -DgroupId=com.atlassian.jira.plugins -DartifactId=jira-greenhopper-plugin -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar

And put a provided dependency on it in the pom.xml. That worked for compilation.



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